Volume 7 no.2/ 2013

1.SOFRONI V., PUTUNTICA A., SFICA L., ICHIM P. - The cold wave of the 25 january – 18 february 2012 period on the territory of the Republic of Moldova
Articles 2.MARIA NEDEALCOV - The Republic of Moldova territory’s vulnerability (exposure) to the manifestation of some climate risks
3.NICOLETA IONAC, ELENA GRIGORE - Thermal differences within Bucharest town area case study: 01.07.2006-31.03.2007
4.ANGELA LUPASCU, DANIELA CHELARIU, CRISTIAN VALERIU PATRICHE - Distribution of humic fraction in representative soils from Gurghiu Mountains
5. HIREN B.SONI, SHEJU THOMAS - Historical perspectives and future perceptions of sacred pilgrimage spot of Central Gujarat, India – a case study of Gomti water tank
6.AZIZUL HASSAN, AHMED FORHAD - The role of NGOs in the sustainable development in Bangladesh
  7. DELIA ADRIANA MIREA, CRISTIANA MARIA CIOCANEA, MARIA PATROESCU - Spatial and temporal dynamics projection of industrial landscape in the environmental state. case study: 3rd district of Bucharest





8. DUMITRU MIHAILA, ION TANASA - The characteristics of the atmospheric precipitating during the hot season of the year in the Plateau of Suceava
9.MARIUS LUNGU, LILIANA PANAITESCU, DUMITRELA LUNGU, SIMONA NIA - Territorial distribution of hydrometeors risk in Dobrudja during the hot season
10.VIGH MELINDA, PANDI GAVRIL - Quality parameters for Somesul Mic river tributaries in Cluj Napoca
11.REMUS PRAVALIE - Aspects regarding spatial and temporal dynamic of irrigated agricultural areas from Southern Oltenia in the last two decades
12. LIVIA ADINA CUCU, MIHAIA IULIAN NICULAE, MARIA PATROESCU - Species management in the Iron Gates Natural Park, Romania: an overview of zonation effectiveness
13.IRINA A. ISTRATE, DIANA M. COCÂRA, SILVIA NEAMTU, TALIDA CIRLIORU, CRISTINA DUMITRESCU - Assessment of electrochemical treatment efficiency for artificially contaminated soil with PAHs and PCBs
14. DUMITRU LETOS, CRISTINA LETOS - Some types of present urban pollution in the area of Piatra Neamt town
15. CLAUDIU GAMAN - The present state of denudational geomorphic processes on the left bank of Izvoru Muntelui - Bicaz reservoir (Poiana Largului - Buhalnia sector)
16. LUCIAN IONU ROSU, ANA – MARIA OISTE - Defining critical areas through dispersion and density of vegetation index in relation to population. study case: Iasi City
17. MARIANA RADU, CEZAR GHERASIM, ALINA HUZUI, ROBERT STOICULESCU - The reflection of Orsova city`s evolution in cartographic materials
18. ELENA GRIGORE - Interannual variation of the average values of thermohygrometer index on the South Dobrogea territory



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ISSN 1843-5971 (Printed version)






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