Volume 16, Issue no.1/ 2022 |
Non-ionized ammonia pollution level of the small rivers water in the Central Development Region of the Republic of Moldova |
Authors :
Maria Sandu 1*, Anatolie Tărîță 1, Galina Dragalina 2, Elena Moșanu 1, Raisa Lozan 1
1 Institute of Ecology and Geography;
2 State University of Moldova.
E-mail : * Corresponding author: sandu_mr@yahoo.com |
https://doi.org/10.47743/pesd2022161018 |
In order to maintain fish life, the Council Directive of 18 July 1978 on the quality of freshwater, which must be protected or improved provides that non-ionized ammonia in salmon and cyprinid waters may be in concentrations of ≤ 0,005 mg/dm3 (indicative) and ≤ 0,025 mg/dm3 (mandatory). It presents a danger for aquatic biological diversity in concentrations from 0,03 to 2,00 mg/dm3 NH3 depending on the species and age. This conditions also are specified in Chapter II (Specific substances to be introduced into surface waters, pt. 8) of the Republic of Moldova Government Decision no. 802 of October 9, 2013. The study includes evaluation of non-ionized ammonia in the water of some portions of the Dniester and Prut river tributaries, which crosses the Central Development Region of the Republic of Moldova. In the rivers Răut (upstream of Bălți town and downstream of Varvareuca village), Ciulucul Mare, Ciulucul Mic, Camenca (Gura Camencii village) the ammonia concentration in different years (1981-2019) was low, but in the Răut river water, downstream of the Orhei town at 5OC was of 0,029-0,35 mg/dm3 and at 15OC - 0,065-0,528 mg/dm3. The calculation of the NH3 content in the water from the left tributaries of the Prut river that crosses the Central Development Region of the Republic of Moldova at a temperature of 5OC and 15OC shows high values in the water of the Gârla Mare river, Medeleni and Catranâc villages (0,394-0,818 mg/dm3), river Gârla Mică, liman (0,141-0,327 mg/dm3), Delia river, Pârlița village (0,84-1,78 mg/dm3), Nârnova river, Nisporeni town and Leușeni village (0,27-0,73 mg/dm3), Lăpusna river, Voinescu village (0,277-0,65 mg/dm3). Thus, in the water of different years (1981-2019) on many portions of the Dniester and Prut rivers tributaries, which crosses the Central Development Region of the Republic of Moldova, the concentration of ammonium (NH3 + NH4+) was high, and depending on the pH and temperature the calculated non-ionized ammonia content exceeded the value of 0,025 mg/dm3.
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