In the study of the 12 Landscape Reserves (LR) in the Prut basin, these natural complexes were adjusted to the international and regional classifications regarding the typology of the landscape (aspects related to basic research), but also, we wanted to highlight the landscape value of some natural elements (aspects related to applied research). The latter are important for the institutions/agencies that perform LR monitoring and management, and in the context of Sustainable Development of the given region, they have a valuable tourist and cognitive potential, with morphological, geological, hydrological, biotic elements, etc., which require clear regulations on, both their conservation and their scientifically justified exploitation. Among the LR, the ones from the NW region stand out more, from the area of the Badenyan reefs that have an appreciable aesthetic-recreational and cognitive value (LR Geological - paleontological complex from the Lopatnic river basin, LR La Castel and others).
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